Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My girls, my heart....

I attended a funeral today of a friends father that passed away. I didn't know his father,  until today. The stories, the laughter, the tears.... I met a man that I would have loved to spend time with, mainly because all the stories reminded me of my own father.  I made it through the funeral, but I couldn't make myself go into the  mausoleum to witness the finality.  That, for me has always been the hardest part (outside of the initial proclamation of the demise). Because that represents the resolution of a relationship that can no longer develop, or in my case with my father, redevelop our bruised, yet much desired relationship.
So as I'm avoiding the conclusion, I walk around the cemetery wondering about the people [in the earth] that are no longer present with us and not enjoying this amazingly humid Louisiana weather. I then came upon an area that was, without prior knowledge, dedicated to babies that have passed.... I should have gone to the mausoleum.  Too many to count headstones littered with scooby doo, Thomas the train, Angels, bears, notes.... Broken, shattered hearts ladened with "could have been"memories only to be camouflaged with strength, where it came from I have no idea. I can't even imagine, what I would think simply buying a dollar store train, would be simple..... As any of you that know me, know I called each of my kids.... One answered, one did not, but they were informed that I love them and could not imagine my life without them.... Actually, the convo went like this (with the one that answered), "hey, whaaaattttt up???? I love you"
That is all that needed to be said :)
They are my rock, my whole heart and the reason I'm still on this earth.... Couldn't imagine one second without them..... They bless me. God knew what he was doing when HE created them!  Love your babies tonight and always! And if you ever run into my babies, remind them how much their dad and mom love them :) They make us proud even when either of us fall short! 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

roly polys...

Roly polys were my favorite "pet" as a child, as were many I can only suppose since I was (and still am an oddity).  They are still fascinating to me even as an adult oddity =)  I, as a child, always wondered why they rolled up into a ball when I came close to them, touched them, wanted to befriend them.... My attraction was clearly innocent, but they did not know that, so into a ball they became.  Only as an adult did I realize it was a complete defense mechanism, (oh how that would have saved me at times).
    I'm sitting on my patio tonight and what to my pure amazement comes up?  Yep, a roly poly!  I'm sure they've been around in the last few years (clearly they've not gone extinct, I've just been preoccupied). So yes, Tiff picks it up! But let's add to my admiration (bare with me for a sec)  He didn't ball up... WHAT?  Is he a super hero??? Yes, for this instance he became my super hero because he revealed to me that no matter what you are stereotyped as, you don't need to conform to that.  That spiderman/She-Ra roly poly taught me more in the 60 seconds that he let me befriend him than I've learned in 30 something years.  Be yourself, not what peers, bosses, friends, FAMILY perceive you to be, BE WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE.  Don't ball up and be fearful, be bold and fearless in what you want.... Spiderman/She-Ra poly wanted to go from one point of the concrete to the other.... Fearless and relentless, he made it, even going over the treacherous mountains of my knuckles, with pure fruition, made it to his purpose, not that it's the end, but only the beginning of his next journey.
     I long for the end of this journey and the beginning of your next to be amazing and superheroish!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


There are many types of barriers in our lives, physical which hinders the progress of another object in it's prospective direction.  Material, which could be some object that impedes you from moving toward your ultimate goal.  Then there are Mental barriers, which we all can relate to in some form.  The feeling of incapability of even every day responsibilities.
There are more days than not that I feel complete uncertainty.... in my job, my children, my relationships, incompetence at its finest.  So much doubt clouds my mind that I wonder where I am headed, if even in the precise direction.  But who am I to say what direction is precise?  Last I remember my path was set before me so why worry myself with the details?  Because I'm human that's why!  We are all human and all fall short on a daily basis.  But all I've learned this past 3 years I will never forget.  That through uncertainty comes strength because if you are certain about all in your life you will ultimately become lazy and not take the "unplanned" road, but rather take the foreseeable, predictable road.  Would I change decisions in my past?  Of course, but I'm at a season in my life where I have to disregard the mental barrier and appreciate the person that I was created to be and fundamentally am.
So my challenge to you (and me for that matter) is to break through all the barriers in your life this week, whether physical, material, mental... or a combination of the three and realize your full potential. The potential to be the best you that you can be.  Remember

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”-Dr. Seuss

You were created to be you, so love yourself because your creator spent precious time making you into the extraordinary person he intended for you to be.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I was told today that I was complex and I immediately renounced it with "no I'm not", because the first thought that came to my mind was complicated.  Then I started analyzing the word complex and myself. 

So technically complex does mean complicated, but to dig further it also means intricate which is "having many interrelated parts; entangled or involved". It's the intricate details that make something original.  So is complexity so bad?  I don't think so; because the antonym of complexity is simple or plain… that's not me by far.

I used to say "what you see is what you get", I don't believe that anymore because there's so much more to me than what you see or what you think or how you may even feel about me. 

So to answer your question my sweet friend, I am complex.  I am at times complicated, impudent, unattractive, broken, hopeless, sinful and mysterious, but then there's that amazing instant that God takes a hold of me and says, "you are free, humble, beautiful, mended, bright, forgiven and mysterious in a delicate way".  God made me as intricately as I am and I'm not going to ask why. I will never again deny the certainty that I am complex, because that's how I was created. 

So the reason I tell you all of this is because, the next time someone refers to you with a word that you may desire to take awry, take a moment to investigate that word, and yourself, you may be pleasantly surprised with whom you find.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Enjoy life...

Everyone know that life kind of gets in the way of joy at times, but there comes a time where you need to decide if you are going to succumb to the battle in life or enjoy life in spite of the battle.
So I've been looking back at my own life. Obviously the last several years have been temperamental to say the least, but I'm learning that even though I made some life changing decisions that not only have consequences to me, but my entire world, that I'm determined to have joy and enjoy the things in my life that God has blessed me with.  Although I do occasionally lament on the past, it no longer dictates to me how my day will be.  I am embracing the present and looking forward to what the future holds for me and my girls (whom give me great joy on a daily basis).
With that said, What makes you smile and enjoy life when "life" gets in the way? My answer is my girls, my sweet love, my family, amazing friends, and of course YOUR family and cute little nuggets as well =)

I could go on and on with the blessings that my life contains. 
So all this jibber leads me to the reason for this blog... I want to see images of what makes you "enjoy life" through the turbulence.  Email them to me at tiffany_myers@me.com or post on my fb.  I can't wait to see them.  It could lead to a "contest" of sorts =)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


People ask me all the time how I can do what I do... I always tell them that I do it because It's easier to be in my shoes than theirs and I would hope someone would be strong enough to do it for me if I were in their shoes...

I'd like to introduce you to a sweet family that is dealing with a difficult situation. You see, little baby Corbin will not be with them much longer... As my heart stumbles on the things I just can not understand, I do know that God is ultimately in control and has made us strong enough to carry what this world throws at us. We may not feel strong at times, but truly we are.

I pray that even though they may never experience the sweet little slobbery kisses, or the pitter patter of tiny feet from baby Corbin, that God will always wrap his arms around them. Y'all were given Corbin, even if just for a short time, to love and cherish every second with him. You are most definitely some of the strongest people I know...

Big brother Archer with Baby Corbin =) Sweet Love

That is why I do this, because I was created to help you hold on to your memories.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall Family Day....

is here! October 30, 2011 at Fontainbleau State Park in Mandeville from 9 am until booked. The packages are different from my regular packages so make sure you take a look at the image posted.

Looking forward to seeing you all...
Check out the website for images of the park, http://fontainebleaustatepark.com/

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